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Supervision Services


When parents experience challenges within their co-parenting journey, often at the onset of marital breakdown, enlisting the services of a neutral, third-party supervisor to ensure the safety and well-being of the children can set everyone at ease. Supervision services also provide a detailed, objective record of parenting time and contact time, which serves to assist families in several capacities.


This service provides an option for the supervised parent to receive an 'Input and Suggestions for Supporting the Parent/Child Relationship' component that is provided to the parent in a confidential manner. 




Behaviour Support & Behaviour Intervention


Bridges provides person-centred, competency-based and strengths-focused individual support to children with diverse learning needs. Bridges will assist the family to support the child's goals and work with other team members in the child's life. 


For older youth, Bridges provides transition support to assist with navigating life skills, community integration, access resources, and support pre-employment goals. 


Autism funding is accepted. 

Child in Air Yoga
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